آمديست اليمن …. هدف الأنجاز في زمن المعارك والحروب الطاحنة باليمن

AMIDEAST attracts hundreds of young people to the Nahdhat Shabab program in its second edition

AMIDEAST provides study expenses for 14 students in the United States during the war in Yemen in 2015.

The number of English language scholarships for low-income students dwindled, and others withdrew due to the war

AMIDEAST maintains its examination and counseling service in Sanaa and Aden

أعلن معهد آمديست الأمريكي باليمن عن فتح باب التقديم للالتحاق ببرنامج “نهضة شباب” للقاطنين بمدينتي “المكلا وعدن” ويستمر التقديم إلى 6 من سبتمبر الجاري.
It comes in its second edition with funding from the US Department of State, and targets young people between the ages of 18 and 30, where they are trained to practice various professional and craft fields in order to strengthen the Yemeni economy and confront unemployment, according to the institute’s description.
In the first edition, 600 Yemeni young men and women were trained in various practical fields, in partnership with 30 entities from the public and private sectors.

Archive from the Nahdat Shabab programme

These programs have been part of AMIDEAST's projects in Yemen since its establishment. It began its activity in Yemen in 1952 AD with scholarships to the United States of America.
حيث تقدم آمديست خدماتها في أربع محافظات يمنية (صنعاء – عدن – حضرموت –تعز) وتشمل خدماتها: برامج التبادل الثقافي عبر منح (ديانا كمال – فولبرايت – كيندي لوجر)، وامتحان إتقان اللغة الانجليزية (التوفل)، والدراسة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وتعزيز قطاعات الدولة، والتنمية المهنية لشرائح المجتمع عبر العديد من البرامج كــــ (برنامج الزمالة التدريبي في اللغة الإنجليزية – شهادة الاحتراف في تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية (PCELT) – ندوات التطوير المهني – برنامج تأهيل مدرسي اللغة الانجليزية من المناطق الريفية)، وبرنامج منحة أكسس لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية.

وكان لمعهد آمديست دوراً لافتاً أثناء الصراع الدائر في اليمن 2015م، فقد استطاع أن يؤمن عبر “التبرعات” النفقات المالية لــــ 14 طالباً يمنياً لمواصلة دراستهم بالولايات المتحدة ممن تعرضوا لإمكانية الانقطاع عن الدراسة بسبب عدم قدرة عائلاتهم أو مموليهم في اليمن مواصلة الدعم لهم.
AMIDEAST was also keen to keep the examination and consultation service ongoing for those who wanted to study in the United States, despite the difficult circumstances in Yemen.
The institute's teachers also continued to teach their students despite the war conditions.

a. Nisreen - one of the teachers at AMIDEAST
Students of AMIDEAST Institute in Aden

Mona Al-Mihdhar, a student at the AMIDEAST Institute in Aden branch, who graduated from it a year ago, tells us about the educational conditions that the institute experienced during the 2015 Yemen war. She said: Since the war began in March 2015, we stopped studying at the institute for six months, which worried us. Very much, especially since the American embassy decided to do so, which means that we were about to lose six months of study from the two-year scholarship, just as the previous batch had lost. However, a group of students from our batch met with officials from the American embassy and asked to extend the duration of the scholarship. Thank God, we completed the study. Everything returned as it was. The war did not affect teaching at AMIDEAST at all, except for course prices for students who pay per teaching course.

Al-Mihdhar said in the same context: As for talking about payment, it is true that the war did not affect teaching at the institute, but the students’ study rate decreased for several reasons, and one of those reasons is: the rise in course prices due to the decline in the value of the Yemeni currency and the rise in the value of the US dollar, and the other reason is: Due to the decrease in the number of students at the institute, scholarships for students with limited incomes dwindled, which led to the withdrawal of a large number of students, especially in light of the war that affected every home (financially and morally). The majority of students were unable to pay huge sums of money to study only several courses at the institute, and so I can I would like to summarize my answer by saying that the study did not affect me personally, but it affected other students at the institute.
As for her experience at AMIDEAST, Al-Mihdhar confirmed that she achieved a lot, as she acquired the language and became at an advanced level in it, and gained nice friends, and also a love of culture and civilization, in addition to that AMIDEAST instilled in her high ambitions and goals, which she would not have been today without him, according to Describe it.

ونقلاً عن الموقع الرسمي لآمديست في تقرير لها بعنوان “الاستجابة لأزمة اليمن”، فقد شدد مدرسو آمديست على التعليم في الوقت الراهن الذي يشهد عزوف عنه من قبل أبناء المجتمع اليمني، نتيجة للحرب الدائرة، مؤكدين مواصلتهم التعليم عبر معهد آمديست والمؤسسات التعليمية المتعاونة معهم، وعدم التوقف في ظل الأزمة الراهنة.

AMIDEAST website - click on the image

AMIDEAST is an abbreviated name for (America-Mideast Educational and Training Services), which means America and the Middle East for Educational and Training Services. It is a prominent international organization working in international activities in the Middle East and North Africa. It was founded in 1951 AD, and AMIDEAST is spread in 11 countries around the world. It is headquartered in Washington, DC.

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