مؤسسة حضرموت للتنمية البشرية …. نموذج للتقدم الأكاديمي في اليمن

Hadhramaut Foundation launches its new visual identity

The Hadhramaut Foundation celebrates its graduates inside and outside Yemen, and holds consultative forums for them

Bugshan's tour leads to the signing of cooperation agreements in the field of education and scholarships with many countries

On August 29 of this year, the Hadhramaut Foundation for Human Development celebrated the 12th anniversary of its founding. The ceremony included the announcement of its new visual identity in addition to honoring graduates from 7 international countries.
The Hadhramaut Foundation for Human Development also launched several activities and events within the framework of its interest in the academic development aspect in the month of August. At the beginning of it, it opened its doors to those who want to enroll their children in model secondary schools that are supported by those in charge of the Foundation. It also opened a model secondary school for girls.

The second workshop was concluded to prepare and qualify the departments of the College of Engineering and Petroleum at Hadhramaut University to obtain international academic accreditation ABET.

These efforts come amid the current 2015 Yemen crisis, as the Foundation was initially affected by the interruption of external scholarships for students, in the year in which Al-Qaeda invaded and took control of Mukalla. Then the situation began to gradually return with the continuation of scholarships and the signing of agreements between the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hadhramaut Foundation for Human Development, M. . Abdullah Ahmed Bugshan and the authorities concerned with education in Egypt, Turkey, France, India and Germany agreed to provide study seats for the institution’s students.
The Hadramaut Foundation for Human Development, in the Hadhramaut region and the rest of the southern governorates, has played a major role in promoting education since its establishment on 8/22/2006. Its board of trustees consists of Saudi businessmen of Hadrami origin, headed by the businessman, Engineer Abdullah Ahmed Saeed Bugshan.

Businessman Engineer Abdullah Bugshan

The Foundation’s activity is divided into four sections: general education through its secondary schools that were established between 2007 and 2008, the internal and external scholarship program, and the vocational and technical education program with its two branches: the Life is Work program, and the technical and technical institutes development program, leading to the Hadhramout English Language Institute.
During the last three months, the Foundation has launched many development projects and programs, such as student consultative forums in Saudi Arabia, through which its students gather to learn about their ideas and creativity, and to consult about their future after graduation.
كذلك فقد شهدت فعاليات المؤسسة تخريج 12 دبلوماسياً حضرمياً من المنظمة العربية للتنمية الإدارية “التابعة للجامعة العربية” على أمل اندماجهم في السلك الدبلوماسي لوزارة الخارجية اليمنية في بعض دول العالم.
It also witnessed the celebration of the graduation of 283 graduates from Western universities in Saudi Arabia.

To shed more light on what the Hadhramaut Foundation for Human Development has provided, it conducted Acapres مقابلة مع أحدى الدبلوماسيين الـــ 12 الذين تخرجوا والإعلامي محمد زكي عيديد، وكذلك بمندوب الطلاب اليمنيين “المعين من قبل الملحقية الثقافية لسفارة اليمن بالرياض” المهندس حمد عيظة الضليع، وهما من طلاب المؤسسة الملتحقين بجامعة طيبة، حيث تحدثا لنا عن إسهامات المؤسسة تجاههما كطلاب، حيث قال عيديد: قدمت لنا مؤسسة حضرموت كل أنواع الدعم المادي والنفسي والمعنوي، وذلك من خلال إرفاقنا ببرامج تؤهلنا للعمل في المجالات التي نرغبها كالإعلام والعلوم السياسية، ناهيك عن أنها كانت الوسيط بيننا وبين الجامعات في جميع أنحاء العالم، حيث فتحت لنا – عن طريق الاتفاقيات التي تبرمها مع الجامعات – بحراً من الفرص لتمكين قدراتنا المعرفية.

Muhammad Zaki Aidid
Hamad Aidha Al-Dhalea

Al-Dhalea added: The Hadhramaut Foundation contributed to refining my personal skills. It provided me with the opportunity to study electrical engineering for the bachelor’s level at Taibah University in Medina. This leading institution also contributed to giving me the opportunity to study scholarships at Pennsylvania State University in the United States of America within the (3+1) program of the College of Engineering at Taibah University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
As for their future ambitions, the diplomat Aidid said: I look forward to refining my cognitive and practical abilities in the field that I love, which is political science, and the deteriorating situation of our country in all fields has always pained me, so I loved to contribute to creating a new reality in the Yemeni arena that contributes greatly to progress. Our nation to the best.
The well-versed engineer adds to this by saying: I look forward to studying for a master’s degree in the most prestigious American universities and in specializations that the country needs in general and Hadramaut in particular, so that we can return with a high academic achievement that will help us build our beloved country.

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