Acapres is the graduation project of student Hassan Al-Bayti, which was presented under the supervision of the Secretary General of the Department of Media at Taibah University, Dr. Abdel Hafeez Darwish, during a session Discuss the graduation project

The project was admired by the discussion committee and was given an A+ rating to be launched from that moment until now, with the hope of developing it for the purposes of graduate studies and scientific research in the field of academic media on Internet journalism.

The project is currently under the management of the Hassan Al-Bayti Foundation for Student Services and Educational Consultations, and its periodical magazine has obtained the international coding for scientific journals ISSN.

First: The establishment of the Academic News Network

من رحم المعاناة يولد الإبداع ….رغم نشأة الشبكة حديثاً في 2017 إلا أن الحديث عن مسيرتها الاكاديمية بدأ من 19/4/2014م حيث فكر مؤسسها الصحفي/ حسن محمد البيتي حينها بإيجاد حل للوضع الصعب الت تعيشه اليمن بعد تدهور التعليم العالي فيها و قلة فرص التدريب و الابتعاث الخارجي للطلاب، 

و بعد ثلاث سنين … فكر المؤسس بأن يعيد المشروع من جديد، مستند في ذلك إلى البحث العلمي الدقيق، وبإشراف المحكمين من خبراء شبكات الحاسوب، وأساتذة جامعات في تخصصات مختلفة، حيث رأى المؤسس أن إعادة المشروع لابد من أن تنطلق بعد إعداد مادي و معنوي مسبق يستمر لسنين عديدة، حيث بدأ مشروع في صيف يونيو 2017م، على أمل أن تقدم الشبكة خدمات واسعة في كل المجالات الإعلامية للجمهور الأكاديمي.

Second: The network identification card

Network geographical location:  Hadhramaut / Yemen

Network logo: Acapres...the point where you reach your goal

Network vision: A media network specialized in academic affairs, concerned with universities and higher institutes and their members, to provide them with distinguished services in the field of academic media.

Network message:

Establishing an academic media base that is independent of its journalistic arts from all other fields of media.

Keeping the academic public informed of the latest developments in the academic arena, and accompanying them with analysis and discussion.

Helping the academic public apply for the opportunities they seek in the academic field.

Third: What do we offer?

Academic news and announcements

Analyzes of writers and scientific studies

Visual programs

Academic opportunities and services

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