It has the International Journal Number (ISSN) number 6697-3006

Academic Counseling

Definition: It is to offer advice to those who apply for chances (specialties - university life - Admission and Registration ... etc)

Terms of service:

  1. Applicant must be an Arab or an Arabic speaker
  2. The applicant must be a graduate of High School
  3. The applicant must clearly disclose his / her required data in the fields shown below
  4. Not to apply any term of the conditions terms cancels the request

Service Method:

  1. Communicate with the applicant according to the consultation situation (mail - telephone)
  2. The applicant is contacted according to the network's working hours
  3. The applicant is given a code to communicate with it about the service
  4. The site guarantees the protection of your consultation data
For service click on the barcode