It has the International Journal Number (ISSN) number 6697-3006

After a presentation of its content...the Department of Communication and Media at Taiba launches “Akapress”

During the discussion session for the network project

Inauguration Department of Communication and Media, Taibah University Academic News Network on Monday morning, December 10, after presenting its content as part of a discussion of a graduation project by student Hassan Muhammad Al-Bayti.
Where Dr. praised Amin Al Maghamsi - former head of the media department and a discussant - described this step as distinguished.
In a related context, the Secretary General of the Department, Dr. Abdel Hafeez Darwish inaugurated the network at the present time, which is characterized by specialization in all areas of life, pointing out the importance of academic media and its role alongside other forms of media.
It is noteworthy that “Akapress” is a media network specialized in academic affairs, as it is concerned with universities and higher institutes and their members, to provide them with distinguished services in the field of academic media.


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