It has the International Journal Number (ISSN) number 6697-3006

Acapres Magazine

Akapress Journal of Scientific Publishing is issued in both languages (Arabic, English) with PrePrnit feature and is included in the database ScilitThe magazine is one of the projects on which the Hassan Al-Bayti Foundation for Educational Consultations and Student Services is based.

The organization seeks to raise the level of publishing by participating in many scientific publishing platforms, and it is also registered as an international digital journal through an organization ISSN Numbered 6697-3006

Publishers are given the DOI identifier for their scientific material, in cooperation with the Crossref platform, which publishes it automatically after giving software permission to it on the researcher’s account in ORCID.The post link will be with the ID In response to ISSN’s call for publishers to include the journal number in the identifier link

1- Scientific papers: Scientific research, articles, and reports can be published for review or draft articles to obtain peer feedback after publication, such as: scientific theses, conference papers, and position reports.

2- Research data: Original and processed data sets can be published by researchers.

3- Book chapters: Chapters from the author’s academic books can be published in a second language, and it is treated as a scientific article.

4- Educational booklets: Teaching materials and lectures can be published in the form of a booklet not exceeding one hundred pages.

5- Software: A scientific draft can be published using computer, web, or smart phone software, whether innovative or developed.

6- Academic posters: Academic charts and graphic designs can be published

Magazine editorial board

a. Dr.. Ahmed Muhammad Abdullah Al-Saqqaf (President)


Dr. Roaa Mohammed Yahya Al-Sayaghi (A member)

Dr. Ali Abdul Qader Omar bin Salim (A member)

Dr.. Hamed Shui Saleh Al-Muqri (A member)

Dr.. Mukhtar Ahmed Zein Al-Mashushi (A member)

Dr.. Essam Ahmed Mohammed Al-Naqeeb (A member)


Dr. Mohammed Salem Abdo Qaid (A member)

Dr. Hamoud Ali Abdo Al-Abdeli (A member)

Dr. Saleh Ali Nasser Al-Badawi (A member)

Dr.. Yasser Ahmed Abdullah Al-Musahli (A member)

Dr.. Akram Muhammad Ali Al-Qazhi (A member)



Authority assistants for academic affairs:

Dr.. Ahmed Ali Al-Mayadeen

a. Ahmed Al-Khader Maqas 


Authority assistants For affairs Technology:

Hassan Muhammad Al-Bayti

To publish in the magazine, the following conditions must be adhered to:

Intellectual property rightsThe materials you wish to publish must be owned by you, or you must obtain the necessary permission from the original owner of the materials before publishing them, especially if more than one researcher participates in the scientific material.

Permitted contentWe accept scientific papers, research data, educational manuals, software, academic posters, and other materials related to scientific research.

Proper useMaterials submitted for publication must not violate copyright laws and any other laws related to respecting the beliefs and privacy of communities in the publishers’ countries.

LicensingBy submitting materials for publication, you agree to grant the necessary license for the public to use the materials in accordance with the license specified by you.

the responsibilityWe are not responsible for any materials submitted for publication that violate intellectual property rights or are inconsistent with these terms.

CopyrightsAuthors retain their copyright on materials submitted for publication, and grant the publishing platform a license to publish these materials on the platform.

Modifications: The publishing platform team reserves the right to make minor modifications to materials submitted for publication, such as formatting texts or improving images, without changing the content of the work.

Privacy policy: We are committed to protecting the privacy of authors and users, and will not share or sell individuals' personal information without their permission.

Accountability: If there is a violation of these terms, we reserve the right to remove the violating materials and take the necessary measures accordingly. The journal committee also has the right to apologize for publishing any paper or research without giving reasons.

ConnectionYou can contact the support team if you have any questions or problems related to the publishing process.