The Department of Communication and Media at Taibah University launched the Academic News Network on Monday morning, December 10, after presenting its content as part of a discussion of a graduation project by student Hassan Muhammad Al-Bayti. Dr. praised. Amin Al-Maghamisi - former head of the Media Department and debater - took this step, describing it as distinguished. In a related context, the Secretary-General of the Department, Dr. Abdel Hafeez Darwish […]
King Abdulaziz University announced the launch of the scholarship program for international students in postgraduate studies for the year 2019/2020 in programs and under specific conditions. It was announced that electronic application for those from outside the Kingdom is available to them at the electronic link (click here). As for those inside the Kingdom, there is another link for application, as the application ends on […]
How to get rid of suffering? In the questionnaire addressed to Yemeni students on scholarship in some countries of the world, these twenty students, who are funded by non-governmental bodies, advised those who want to obtain a study scholarship abroad in light of the current circumstances in Yemen to search for fully funded scholarships, whether from […]
Historical Question: The residents of the Prussian city of Königsberg (currently Kaliningrad) invented a puzzle in the eighteenth century AD: Is it possible to cross all the bridges just once without repeatedly crossing any of them? If you know the solution, then (scan/click) the barcode to find out the solution:
Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan announced the holding of the Ninth International Conference on Information Technology on April 9-10, 2019 in Jordan. Al-Zaytouna has set a deadline for submitting (abstracts/proposals) on December 22, 2018 to be published in the Journal of Information and Communications Technology (JICT) (SCOPUS) The Ninth International Conference on Information Technology, ICIT 2019 is a forum for engineers, to submit […]
Webmetrics classification of Yemeni universities in the second half of 2018. The Spanish Webmetrics classification of universities issued a report in the second half of 2018 about Yemeni universities. The report showed negative results, the most important of which is the lag of some Yemeni universities on a global level after a full year has passed. The report showed that the University of Science and Technology holds the first place in […]
The founder of the Academic News Network, Hassan Al-Bayti, held consultations with a number of students and university professors in the city of Mukalla at the beginning of last August to launch a package of Academic News Network services, as the parties expressed their willingness to integrate into the network and work to make its goals a success. In the meetings that brought together Al-Baiti with academics from Hadhramaut University, Al-Baiti reviewed the site’s services […]