The Academic News Network announced the launch of a trial Lite version of its website to facilitate downloading and browsing press materials for countries that suffer from weak and interrupted Internet networks, especially since the network was launched from Yemen in light of the Internet crisis. The application is available in the Yandex store for Android applications, where the browser can download the store via its link, and from […]
The Department of Communication and Media at Taibah University launched the Academic News Network on Monday morning, December 10, after presenting its content as part of a discussion of a graduation project by student Hassan Muhammad Al-Bayti. Dr. praised. Amin Al-Maghamisi - former head of the Media Department and debater - took this step, describing it as distinguished. In a related context, the Secretary-General of the Department, Dr. Abdel Hafeez Darwish […]
The founder of the Academic News Network, Hassan Al-Bayti, held consultations with a number of students and university professors in the city of Mukalla at the beginning of last August to launch a package of Academic News Network services, as the parties expressed their willingness to integrate into the network and work to make its goals a success. In the meetings that brought together Al-Baiti with academics from Hadhramaut University, Al-Baiti reviewed the site’s services […]