It has the International Journal Number (ISSN) number 6697-3006

Science Day (poem)


The distinguished Yemeni poet Abdullah Al-Baradouni


What does poetry say? How does he sing? The beauty exclaimed: How can the inspired one sing?
What does poetry sing? How to wander in This beauty? And where does he wander?
In every direction there is a dancing spring And in every atmosphere a thousand smiling dawns
O drunk son of poetry, this is his day A melody scattered by age and brought together
The day schools and sperm meet He was drunk as he found his beloved in love
A day when silence almost overwhelms us In it, he improvises the dumb anthem
A day when our God will make him totter, and for him... tomorrow Here I am, full of beauty and melody


Oh, the leap of “Happy Yemen” has awakened Youthful and radiant as expected
What does the beloved “Yemen” see achieved? The highest of his dreams and the most sublime of his imagination
The signs of morning opened his eyelids Then his grave opened and sleep came
He woke up with determination filling his eyes Angry, he breaks his chains and growls
And his youth passed by in the flash of life Waqzan swims in the beam and dreams


And the “Day of Knowledge” has arrived, declining in age As if he was in the mouth of life... he chanted
The day schools taught him his upbringing A life lesson that teaches and inspires
History remembers him in: His lips were questioning and smiling
The day I sing it and its atmosphere becomes intoxicating Fisker is toned by its sweetness in the mouth


The youth stood up to the youth and all of them Full of confidence and pride in the championship
At the Science Festival, he lost his youth Like a flower, it whispers scent and murmurs
And the learners if... In it are the rays, the sky, and the stars


Oh, the smelliest and most dreamy boys of Yemen The fruits of genius are before you, so advance
And they faced the danger of the road to Al-Ula It is dangerous for young people to get involved
And build with the palm of knowledge upon you, so what Adopting it as a palm of knowledge does not destroy it
They asked: Who are we? What is our history? They learned ambition from him and taught


This is the country and you are from its heart So you help her
So stand firm as life stands strong The youth have strengthened and advanced
Only enlightened people are guided by knowledge The joy of insight is passionate about science
And a boy who the people feel about him because From his body there is blood in every body
He is miserable to make his mother or a scholar happy The fragrance of the message is burning and pain
So understand what is behind every cover-up The truth is his path and understanding
A thief may dress chastely and cover himself The dress of the Prophet is a hypocrite or a criminal
A dead person shrouds his conscience with paint It reveals what is concealed despite its coating


How amazing is this fullness of man Good and this evil is embodied!
This person's heart is not equal to him A stone and this is a burning candle
This is so-and-so with a bulbul in his stomach He shouts and this one roars loudly
How strange the world is to embrace A wedding that sings it and makes a funeral cry!
A house where a mouse dies behind its wall Hunger and a house full of tables
A gentle hand laments...with its money He keeps kissing her and giving to the destitute


When does a person see a young world? Excuse me, there is no injustice and there is no aggrieved person?
My brothers, start your day in schools The firstborn of the country, so honor him and honor him
And understand the book of life and all of it Travel and study, and time is a lesson
What can I tell you and under your eyes? What does noble awareness understand and comprehend?


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