The club's operating budget is half a million Yemeni riyals annually, and the club's support is provided in partnership with other parties
We are ready to establish partnerships with all institutions and organizations concerned with youth care and related to the programs of the Rawabi Al Khair Club
University girls participated in volunteer work through the “Injaz Volunteer Forum” following the events of 2015
The interview was conducted by journalist: Hassan Muhammad Al-Bayti
Many students graduating from high school have always found a maze towards the university, not knowing what challenges and changes they will face in their academic life. Some resort to consulting an expert in this matter, while others jump into the wave without caring about the consequences if they stumble in university studies, and in between this and that there remains a category. A third of the students are fully aware of what they will face, so they used the training courses offered to them by associations and institutions under several frameworks, including: “Qualification and Training” and including “Student Clubs”, as the latter appeared recently, but it is a step that deserves attention, as one of the most prominent among them was “ Volunteers Club and the Rawabi Al-Khair Creative Club. Both clubs are among the most famous clubs in eastern Yemen. They emerged from institutions bearing the same name as the clubs. The spotlight was on Acapres According to the Rawabi Al Khair Creative Club, it is, according to the definition of the institution that emerged from it, “a creative scientific club that embraces an elite group of high school students, provides them with development, administrative, media, and skills courses, builds their personalities scientifically and skillfully, makes leaders out of them in their specializations, and connects them with everything new in science, creativity, and development.” It implements many technical, creative, and entertainment programs for them, and instills in them the culture of volunteer work, the love of reading and reading, and mastering the foundations of scientific research.”
The club includes two teams: the team for building leaders and creators, and the Injaz volunteer team. For more about this club and its latest developments, visit the platform Acapres It is an honor to meet the supervisor of this club, Dr. Abdullah Obaid Bahavi - Executive Director of the Rawabi Al-Khair Development Foundation, which is headquartered in Hadramaut Governorate - eastern Yemen.
Our guest is a well-known educational model in Yemeni circles, through his teaching in the most prestigious high schools in Yemen, which is “Mukalla Model High School,” and his work as executive director from 2010 AD until now for the most powerful institutions active in the field of development and effective in partnership with the most famous international organizations such as UNICEF.
Dr.. Bahafi was born in Wadi Al-Ain in Hadramaut Governorate in 1973 AD. He obtained a doctorate in grammar and morphology from Al-Nilein University in Sudan in 2017 AD.
He taught the Arabic language course at the basic, secondary, and university levels for eight educational institutions. He is an active member of the General Assembly of the Civil Society Organizations Coordination Council in the Hadhramaut Coast between 2010 AD and 2018 AD, and he has membership in the International Academy for Restoring Human Balance in London in 2014 AD.
Our guest loves reading, reciting poetry, and writing stories and articles, as is clearly evident from his professional career as head of the Asdaa Al-Khair newspaper, emanating from the organization he runs.
One of the most prominent honorary shields and certificates awarded to him was by the British organization Oxfam, along with the Governor of Hadhramaut, and the Coordination Council of Civil Society Organizations in Hadhramaut in 2012, for the role of his organization in the success of the program for developing the skills of young men and women, both literally and professionally, and integrating them into the labor market.
Our press interview began with the guest about an introductory introduction to the founding and idea of establishing the “Rawabi Al Khair Creative Club,” and the number of its annual members.Where he explained Dr.. My barefoot The club was launched in 2011 AD, and it is a creative, developmental, and motivational club that includes an elite group of students from high school graduates, and the scientific section specifically. It operates in the form of an academy where it introduces them to their university specializations, and hosts an elite group of professors, engineers, doctors, and inventors to introduce the students to their CVs. The method of choosing a specialization, and their experiences in the course of specialization or university study, and traveling abroad to obtain a university degree. The number of its members was nine students at first, and then it reached 25 members.

Acapres: What achievements has the club achieved in facilitating students’ understanding of the university stage?
Dr.. My barefootThe best program in 2010 AD - 2011 AD was introducing students to specializations by hosting an elite group of people with different specializations, to introduce them to specializations and fields of work in them, because the issue of choosing a specialization for our children is a concern in itself, because some discover that they chose the wrong specialization through not wanting to work. In the future, we will try to address this issue.
Here, we addressed the question of what constitutes verification of the extent to which achievements have been achieved, It has benefited Dr.. My barefoot This is done through two things: The first is through visiting students sent abroad who were members of the club, where we listen to the extent to which they have benefited from the club’s programs in their university life and inclinations. We also host them as an elite group in a meeting with the new members so that ideas become clear and young people meet, where they give more ideas than an older person might give them. who are they. He mentioned to us an example of students who praised the club and promoted it in their speeches to others.
Acapres: How much budget is spent on the club annually, how many programs, and the duration of training?
Dr.. My barefoot: If we look at the budget, it is small in terms of quantity, but it is large in participation. We do not keep the club under the command of Rawabi Al-Khair, but rather we try to find volunteers to support the club from all sides. This began with the club’s biggest supporter among the personalities, engineer Hani Bajaalah - may God have mercy on him. We have great qualities with the youth, and we also have partners such as the Hadramaut Foundation for Invention, and other volunteer trainers, but in terms of the annual expenses on the club, it amounts to half a million Yemeni riyals annually.
As for the duration of training, it is related to the period that students spend after graduating from high school, before entering university, and is often nine to ten months, and training takes place every Saturday of every week, because the students have free time and are not connected to courses in private institutes, so it is on Saturday. It is an academy from four in the evening until eight in the evening, and this day usually includes two sessions.
Our programs are diverse, ranging from a diploma in human development skills, a diploma in education, and lectures, whether scientific, religious, or awareness-raising. The largest program is introducing scientific specializations, by hosting those concerned, as well as trips and article writing.

Acapres: Do you visit high schools in order to introduce the club’s activities and invite people to join it?
Dr.. My barefootAt the beginning, the club’s activities were for students of Al-Mukalla Model High School, but after 2011 AD, we visited some high schools in the city of Al-Mukalla. Such as Ibn Shihab Secondary School, Ibn Sina Secondary School, and Al-Shati High School, all of which are high schools for boys, as the club’s activity is still limited to boys, and we also know about the club through the institution’s icons on social media or the institution’s official website.
With the emergence of other clubs, such as the Volunteers Club, it was necessary to know the organization’s position in dealing with developments, whether by integrating or maintaining the independence of its work., Where he showed Dr.. My barefoot Their readiness to establish partnerships with all institutions and organizations concerned with youth care and related to the programs of the Rawabi Al Khair Club. There is no objection to pluralism because it helps to accommodate more young people in light of the limited seats provided by the club, which are approximately fifty, and to have it spread throughout all the districts of Hadramaut, as it should. Girls should have a major role in all programs and activities of institutions and clubs.
Acapres: What are the activities carried out by the team building leaders and creators? Injaz Volunteer Team?
Dr.. My barefoot: Basically, there were two teams, but in recent years it has turned into two forums or clubs. The Injaz Volunteer Club includes female university students, and the club’s role was linked to the period in which university studies were halted due to Al-Qaeda’s control over the city of Mukalla in 2015 AD, which forced those female students to sit with us. In order to present ideas that serve volunteer work, which made us create this team, we gave them training in the field of human development, and through this team composed of several different university specializations we implemented many volunteer courses and programs, both for orphans and others, and in the end this team boarded It was formed from the Rawabi Al-Khair Development Foundation to become the “Injaz Volunteer Forum.”
As for the team for building leaders and innovators, work on it continued until 2015 AD, then it stopped due to my free time to prepare my doctoral dissertation in the Republic of Sudan, and the lack of anyone to supervise the team in my absence during that period. Financial support played a role in stopping the work of the team, but we look forward to resuming the launch of this team in the year Next semester.
Here a question came to our mind about whether the institution found any gesture from the government, whether represented by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, or the Ministry of Education. Dr.'s answer was: I regret the lack of this, but government cooperation for the success of the activities was limited to coordination with the principals of four high schools in the city of Mukalla, while the university uses its gymnasium to implement the club’s sports activities.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Bahafi via Akapress A closing speech to high school graduates regarding identifying their creative inclinations and scientific specializations.
I advise our graduate children to first choose their specialization themselves, and to know their strengths and weaknesses, then choose their specialization, and not wait for others to determine their specialization for them, so that they do not discover when they graduate that they have chosen a specialization that they do not want.
What helps him in this matter is to meet pioneers in the specialty he wants, ask them about it, and benefit from the outcomes of young people who have graduated from this specialty.
As for the other and important aspect, which is the creativity and inclinations of young people, we have not yet invested in them, whether in school curricula, or the state with its educational institutions, or civil society organizations. I advise young people not to let their talents and creativity go to waste, and to try as much as possible to invest in them, because there are certain years that, if they pass, The young man cannot make up for the talents and creativity he missed, and he must knock on every door in order to develop these creativity and motivate him.
At the conclusion of the interview, the Akabers family thanked Dr. Abdullah Bahafi for his generous hospitality and openness in accepting to conduct a press interview with him. Dr. also praised Dr. I appreciate the network's efforts aThe club's good efforts stand out, especially since one of the club's members is from the network's family, who conducted this press interview to convey the voice of the organization and the club to the concerned authorities so that they can contribute to supporting youth care programs and high school graduates in particular.