It has the International Journal Number (ISSN) number 6697-3006

Chinese government launches scholarship program 2019

More than 400,000 international students attend 289 Chinese universities annually

Announcing the winners next July

The Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) of the Chinese Ministry of Education announced the launch of the 2019 scholarship program in 289 Chinese universities. In all specialties.
Grants are classified into (ABC), where A is for grants provided to governments, B is provided through Chinese universities, and the latter is provided through other sectors in China.

The types of scholarships in China are divided into seven; Include Cultural exchange grants Between the Chinese government and the governments of other countries, institutions, universities, or international organizations, these scholarships are directed to undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers, and are applied for through the ministries of higher education in other countries.

It also includes “Chinese university scholarships” Some regional educational offices in specific provinces or autonomous regions to attract outstanding international students for bachelor’s and graduate studies in China, and applications are made through the Chinese universities’ website.

The third of these grants is known as:(Great Wall of China Program) It is submitted to researchers coming to China through the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and is applied for through UNESCO offices in the researchers’ countries.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth are on a geographical basis, as mentioned above Scholarships for European Union studentsAnd next Students of ASEAN member countries, all the way to Pacific Island countriesThe first can be applied for through China’s diplomatic missions in European countries, the other through the ASEAN University Network (AUN), and the last through the Secretariat of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF).

And the last one is Grants to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) To study and conduct research in the supervision and management of meteorology, hydrology and water resources in China. It only supports undergraduate and graduate students, and applications are made through the organization itself.

There are other research and specialized grants provided through the Chinese Scholarship Council and its contracting organizations.

Number of years of study of the specialty and the Chinese language for all academic degrees

Financial support is provided to Chinese scholarship students according to the category of study; The first study category includes philosophy, economics, legal studies, education, literature (excluded fine arts), history, and administration. The second category is science, engineering, and agriculture, while fine arts and medicine remain in the third and most supported category.

Financial support in Chinese yuan for Chinese scholarship students of all academic degrees

The names of the scholarship winners are announced in July of each year, and they then study in China starting in September of each year.

It is worth noting that applying for postgraduate studies does not require a supervisory acceptance letter for the dissertation (in advance) in Chinese universities, but this will make the applicant face a specific choice for him by the Chinese Scholarship Council.

The conditions for applying for Chinese scholarships are summarized below: Her website To provide: a valid passport, educational certificates, a medical examination to be free of AIDS and epidemic diseases, two academic letters of recommendation, and a certificate of English proficiency for programs applied for in English.

Submitted by the Yemeni Students Union in China - Part One
Submitted by the Yemeni Students Union in China - Part Two


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